Automated CNS coverage requests

Our software for physiotherapists automates CNS coverage requests. All you need to do is regularly enter your Healthnet connection token and wait for the CNS to respond. Also have an overview of all answers.

logicare CNS coverage requestsillustration praticien

Automatic creation of requests

After entering a prescription on which the patient is covered by the CNS, we take care of creating the documents necessary for the request for CNS coverage. You do not need to take any action.

logicare cns request
logicare healthnet session

Sending via Healthnet session

We display all requests awaiting dispatch. As soon as you start a new Healthnet session within Logicare by entering your connection token, all these requests will be automatically sent to the CNS.

Tracking CNS answers

We have created a page dedicated to monitoring CNS responses to your support requests. Easily filter by response status to see those that are pending, accepted or refused.

logicare cns requests overview



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